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If you do not have the opportunity to attend a consultation with Dr. Roberto V. Salim in person, at Hospital Puerta de Hierro, enter the corresponding button to the online questionnaire to perform the hormonal assessment and know the characteristics of your particular case:

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Once you have provided your information, Dr. Roberto Velázquez will help you make a decision about the best treatment to follow, to alleviate the symptoms caused by hormonal imbalance. Dr. V. Salim can send you hormonal creams to your home or recommend some other medication within the Mexican Republic.

Hormonal creams are valid for 1 year. Each bottle lasts approximately 2 months.  They are applied to the forearm every day and are quickly absorbed, relieving discomfort in a few days (7-10 on average, although there are people who perceive improvement sooner) .



Hormonal creams cost from $1500 to $1700 MXN, depending on the hormones administered. Plus shipping costs by DHL ($230_cc781905-5cde-3194 bb3b-136bad5cf58d_MXN to any part of the Mexican Republic).

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